There is no mistaking that having a college degree gives you a distinct advantage. People with a college degree have an easier time securing employment positions that have long term potential of being lucrative. Without a degree from a recognized college you may find it virtually impossible to make it past a low paying job. That can change if you have life experience and a desire to get ahead. There are ways to secure fast college degrees for those who don't have the time to attend regular, in school classes.
Life experience degrees are becoming increasingly popular for the many people who want to receive credentials for credible work, experience, education and skills
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Misconceptions About Almeda University Life Experience Degrees
Search the internet for online degrees, and you will most likely encounter the term ‘life experience degree' and also the attached stigma. I suggest, take it with a pinch of salt. Here's why.
It is a daring statement, but yet, almost ALL of them have got their concepts wrong. Wow! How come? It's simple. None of them understand the real reason behind a life experience degree, and none of them has ever tried to find out!
It is a daring statement, but yet, almost ALL of them have got their concepts wrong. Wow! How come? It's simple. None of them understand the real reason behind a life experience degree, and none of them has ever tried to find out!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
You Should Earn An Online Master Degree - Your Career Needs It!
Like most of undergraduate students, you probably are using your associate degree or bachelor degree to kick start your career. While associate or bachelor degree may be able to get your career started smoothly, but in order to move your career to next level, you will need a strong education background to pair with the working experience you gain so far. Online master degree provides a perfect solution for you to upgrade your degree while continue your effort in your career building.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
How To Make Sure Your Online Degree is Worth the Value?
Online education has made it possible for you to earn your degree online from your comfort home; you no more need to go to a physical university to obtain a degree. An online degree program can easily fit into your busy schedule and you don't need to travel to attend classes. Many online universities and traditional on-campus universities offer online degree programs, some of these universities are accredited universities and others are not. Your degree will be worth the value if it is from an accredited university; in contrary, it will be valueless if it is issued by diploma mills. How you are going to make sure that your online degree is NOT from a diploma mills?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Attacks on Online Life Experience Degrees
It is not uncommon to find forums and discussion boards throwing huge balls of fire in the direction of life experience degrees. A person starts, and others follow suit like a herd. Truth is vastly stranger than fiction, someone once said.
Know what? He wasn't lying. Truth is indeed much different from the general perception. The general perception of a life experience degree is a sham, and that of the providing institution, a diploma or a degree mill. This is because of the numerous other institutions who take thousands of dollars and then, too, the quality of education is nothing.
Know what? He wasn't lying. Truth is indeed much different from the general perception. The general perception of a life experience degree is a sham, and that of the providing institution, a diploma or a degree mill. This is because of the numerous other institutions who take thousands of dollars and then, too, the quality of education is nothing.
Online Education: 57 Leading Institutions
Getting a college degree today is easier than ever before thanks to the number of institutions offering distance learning opportunities. Whether you are pursuing a undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate degree you can choose from scores of degree granting schools. 57 leading institutions are featured here.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What is an MBA?
This is probably the most important question if you are new to this subject. MBA stands for Master of Business Administration. It is a graduate-level (master's) degree in the field of management and business.
Although it can be an academic degree, the MBA is usually viewed as a professional degree. Other professional degrees, such as law, set the degree holder apart as a professional in that field. While it can be viewed as a degree for a business professional, it is really much more than that.
Although it can be an academic degree, the MBA is usually viewed as a professional degree. Other professional degrees, such as law, set the degree holder apart as a professional in that field. While it can be viewed as a degree for a business professional, it is really much more than that.
Life Experience Universities
How should a university function? How does a university function? What defines the set of evaluation criteria for a university to be labeled ok or a ‘diploma mill' or ‘degree mill'?
The present situation is that of a mixture. Life experience degree colleges function in a different way than traditional degree colleges. Hence, the evaluation criteria should be different. But that is not the case; we evaluate both with the same set of criteria, which leads to one of them failing in such a pitiable manner. And then, we are quick to label them as diploma or degree mills.
The present situation is that of a mixture. Life experience degree colleges function in a different way than traditional degree colleges. Hence, the evaluation criteria should be different. But that is not the case; we evaluate both with the same set of criteria, which leads to one of them failing in such a pitiable manner. And then, we are quick to label them as diploma or degree mills.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Experience is Education
Suppose we have a child and we just stuff him with textbooks. Nothing he is allowed to interact with - only we allow him to interact with textbooks. What do you think will become of the child? Not talking of the health consequences, let us just say that the child will be very knowledgeable regarding the facts - regarding the facts - not regarding the interpretation of the facts, mind you.
Fully Online Life Experience Degrees
Ever wondered why universities like Almeda University provide fully online life experience degrees without the need for lectures and classes? No? Why? Wasn't it you who actively took part in that forum to bad-mouth such a concept of offering degrees without classes?
Let me tell you a secret - a secret which surprisingly no one tried to find out - why these life experience degrees are offered online without the need to attend any classes whatsoever. Come close.
Let me tell you a secret - a secret which surprisingly no one tried to find out - why these life experience degrees are offered online without the need to attend any classes whatsoever. Come close.
Who Would You Trust More?
Is a life experience degree true? Do you believe in the fundamentals of life experience? Who would you believe more - preachers - who know nothing but opine out of hearsay, or those who have actually experienced the degree and enjoyed the benefits?
There is one group of people which says that life experience is a farce. They conclude that since life experience universities like Almeda University do not take classroom lectures; that they only offer a degree after eligibility check, they are not universities or colleges and they do not offer proper degrees. These degrees are not legible, they say. On the other hand we have the alumni of such universities, who have taken the plunge into the degrees and come out with better jobs and heftier pay packets than they were getting before. Who would you believe more?
There is one group of people which says that life experience is a farce. They conclude that since life experience universities like Almeda University do not take classroom lectures; that they only offer a degree after eligibility check, they are not universities or colleges and they do not offer proper degrees. These degrees are not legible, they say. On the other hand we have the alumni of such universities, who have taken the plunge into the degrees and come out with better jobs and heftier pay packets than they were getting before. Who would you believe more?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Almeda University and Its Rivals
Almeda University is much touted as a degree mill or diploma mill. Why? It is so because the whole image of online degrees is shameful, on account of thousands of those institutions who have spoiled the name of education-granting because of their money-specific practices. Almeda university life experience degrees are not your regular diploma mills stuff. But just for thinking, why is it called like that? It is so because the degree system is entirely online for starting, and second, there are no entrance examinations (as people think).
Saturday, October 20, 2007
How You Can Qualify To Obtain An Accredited Associate Degree Online In 7 Days
You are seven days away from obtaining an associate degree at home if you have life or work experience. There are Educational institutions that provide online associate degrees for professionals and working adults on mere authentication of valid life and work experience.
Many offline and online Institutions offer the above program in which you'll find a wide range of majors for your life experience accredited associate degree at home.
Many offline and online Institutions offer the above program in which you'll find a wide range of majors for your life experience accredited associate degree at home.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Almeda University
Life experience degrees online and terms like scandal, diploma mill, degree mill, go hand in hand. This is the outcome of some unscrupulous institutions stemming up in the name of providing degrees and diplomas and spoiling the name of the whole business.
Regardless of the general perception of the life experience degree system in the public, the public knows it well that there are institutions which offer credible life experience degrees. It is just that people on message boards ‘flow' in a sham and try to project themselves as cool or whatever if they second something said by the other one. It is a well-known fact, that people are different in real world and different in forums and bulletin boards.
Regardless of the general perception of the life experience degree system in the public, the public knows it well that there are institutions which offer credible life experience degrees. It is just that people on message boards ‘flow' in a sham and try to project themselves as cool or whatever if they second something said by the other one. It is a well-known fact, that people are different in real world and different in forums and bulletin boards.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Truth About Life Experience
We all have our schools. Then we move on to colleges. Here we make a choice; go for degree colleges or diploma colleges? If we choose a vocation where special training is required, we choose the former, whereas if the only thing required is a qualification, we choose diploma colleges. There is, however, a third school.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Who Would You Trust More?
Is a life experience degree true? Do you believe in the fundamentals of life experience? Who would you believe more - preachers - who know nothing but opine out of hearsay, or those who have actually experienced the degree and enjoyed the benefits?
There is one group of people which says that life experience is a farce. They conclude that since life experience universities like Almeda University do not take classroom lectures; that they only offer a degree after eligibility check, they are not universities or colleges and they do not offer proper degrees. These degrees are not legible, they say. On the other hand we have the alumni of such universities, who have taken the plunge into the degrees and come out with better jobs and heftier pay packets than they were getting before. Who would you believe more?
There is one group of people which says that life experience is a farce. They conclude that since life experience universities like Almeda University do not take classroom lectures; that they only offer a degree after eligibility check, they are not universities or colleges and they do not offer proper degrees. These degrees are not legible, they say. On the other hand we have the alumni of such universities, who have taken the plunge into the degrees and come out with better jobs and heftier pay packets than they were getting before. Who would you believe more?
Increase Your Salary With a Graduate Degree
Getting a graduate degree will almost guarantee that you will receive a salary increase. Often, you will also get a promotion to a more stable, higher ranking position within your organization. There are a few things to consider, though, before you make the leap.
Consider the Timing
Timing is everything when you're trying to get your graduate degree. Is now really the best time to get a graduate degree? Do you have time in the midst of your busy schedule to really go after the degree as you should or will school always be coming second to something else?
Consider the Timing
Timing is everything when you're trying to get your graduate degree. Is now really the best time to get a graduate degree? Do you have time in the midst of your busy schedule to really go after the degree as you should or will school always be coming second to something else?
What Do You Want From Life?
What do you want from your life as a student, professional, married? What do you want out of it in any of these stages? We would leave the married part, but student and professional we may definitely cater to.
As a student, you have not a choice, really, as you are either in a school studying or in a college; yet to shape your life. It is the professional we are most interested in, as his is a life which is either being shaped up or has shaped up. Are you really happy with your current state? Are you happy in your job? Or are you without a job at present?
As a student, you have not a choice, really, as you are either in a school studying or in a college; yet to shape your life. It is the professional we are most interested in, as his is a life which is either being shaped up or has shaped up. Are you really happy with your current state? Are you happy in your job? Or are you without a job at present?
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Life Experience Bachelor's Degrees
Colleges and universities have developed degree programs that can provide a recognized degree from one's life experience and this is known as a "life experience" bachelor's degree.
Life experience degrees are awarded to those individuals who have demonstrated core competencies of skill and knowledge in their prospective career field. Schools that offer life experience degrees use a prior learning assessment bar to assess prior experience. Prior experience includes military service, work experience, prior college, certificates of achievement, travel, professional development courses and workshops, community and volunteer services and many more.
Life experience degrees are awarded to those individuals who have demonstrated core competencies of skill and knowledge in their prospective career field. Schools that offer life experience degrees use a prior learning assessment bar to assess prior experience. Prior experience includes military service, work experience, prior college, certificates of achievement, travel, professional development courses and workshops, community and volunteer services and many more.
Accredited Life Experience Degrees - Accelerate Your Progress Online
Chances are you are pursuing an online degree to reap benefits in the workplace. For this reason, you may be interested in accelerating your progress to get your degree faster. This article will explain seven ways to finish your degree faster. Keep in mind that you will work harder to finish faster and must be willing to make this commitment.
Life Experience Degree Programs
Life experience degrees are becoming increasingly popular for the many people who want to receive credentials for credible work, experience, education and skills. There are many professionals who do not have a graduate or undergraduate degree in their field of work and find life experience degrees appealing. They have excelled and have the experiential knowledge of their degreed counterparts who receive more pay and more status only as a result of a college diploma. A life experience degree provides recognition for personal and professional achievements through many online life experience degree programs.
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